NAME AND PURPOSE – Newhall Public Library Board of Trustees. The library laws of Iowa will be followed in all questions of law pertaining to the state, and the city code will be followed for all local laws.
MEMBERSHIP – The board shall consist of five members with one member from the rural county community.
SECTION 1. – The officers of the board shall consist of a President, City Clerk, or Secretary-Treasurer.
SECTION 2- TERM OF OFFICE – The officers shall serve for a period of no more than six years commencing on July 1 of each year and election for such officers shall be held at the meeting in July each year. Officers may succeed themselves in office
SECTION 3- PRESIDENT – The president shall preside at all meetings and shall see that all policies and directives of the board are carried out subject to the right to delegate any specific powers or authority as authorized by the Board. He/She shall appoint all committees, execute all documents authorized by the Board and generally perform all duties associated with the office.
SECTION 4 – SECRETARY – The secretary shall keep a true and accurate record of all meetings of the board and perform such duties as are generally associated with that position.
SECTION 5 – VACANCIES – The position of any trustee shall be vacant if he/she moves permanently from the city (or county in the case of a nonresident county member). Or if he/she is absent from six (6) consecutive regular meetings of the board, except in the case of sickness or temporary absence from the city. Vacancies in the Board shall be filled by appointment of the Mayor, with approval of the Council or the Board of Supervisors in the case of the non-resident member.
SECTION 1 – Regular meetings shall be held monthly, date and hour to be determined by the board.
SECTION 2 – Special meetings may be called at any time at the request of the President or the request of any two Board members for the transaction of business as stated in the call for the meeting.
SECTION 3 – A quorum shall consist of a majority of the members of the Board.
SECTION 4 – Each member of the Board is entitled to one vote, with the President voting only in the case of a tie.
SECTION 5 - The order of business for regular meetings shall include but not be limited to the following items:
(a) minutes of prior meeting
(b) financial reports
(c) payment of bills
(d) directors report
(e) committee report
(f) old business
(g) communication
(h) new business
SECTION 1- The Board shall appoint (with approval of the City Council) a qualified library director who
shall be the executive and administrative officer of the library on behalf of the board and under its review and direction. If hiring -a new applicant will be required to have a high school diploma or the equivalent.
An experienced applicant will have priority and salary will be set according to education and experience. Salary increases will occur after a favorable review by the board.
SECTION 2 – The Library Director is responsible for implementing the policies of the Library Board effectively and efficiently and to assume administration of the policies without direct board involvement. Among these duties and responsibilities shall be: (a) to select all library materials; (b) to maintain contact with community officials; (c) to develop a planning process and annual objectives to fulfill the library’s mission; (d) to inform the board about the finances, public services; physical plant, personnel, collection and other developments, changes and problems of the library; (e) attend all the Board meetings; (f) Perform all responsibilities commensurate with this position; (e) Fulfill all duties required to maintain the libraries accreditation.
SECTION 3 – Library Director is required to be certified by the State Library of Iowa within two years from hiring; and will attend continuing education classes to accumulate 45 CE credits every 3 years to maintain certification.
SECTION 4 – PROBATION – A new employee will serve a probationary period of 2 months.
The librarian is assured of continuous employment after 6 months as long as duties are performed.
SECTION 5 – VACATION – One week at 30 hours per week after 1 year. Two weeks at 30 hours per week after 3 years of employment. Funeral pay coverage at the Mayor’s discretion.
SECTION 6 – SICK LEAVE – Library Director shall earn 5 working days of sick/personal leave, with no accumulation from year to year.
SECTION 7 – HOLIDAYS – The Library Director is entitled to the following paid holidays
• New Year’s Day
• Memorial Day
• Independence Day
• Labor Day
• Thanksgiving Day
• Day after Thanksgiving
• Christmas Eve Day
• Christmas Day
STAFF – Holiday pay – After five (5) years of continuous employment the Assistant Librarian will be paid holiday pay if their regularly scheduled workday falls on the approved holidays. They will be paid their regular hourly salary.
This does not apply to substitutes that fill in temporarily for the Director or the Library Assistant.
MOBILE READING PROGRAM – The person responsible will be paid only for the actual time spent in the home presenting the program.
SECTION 8 – WEATHER – Library can be closed because of inclement weather with approval of the board president or other board members. If the library is forced to close because of bad weather the library director will be paid for the entire day. This does not include wages if the library was never open because no one was able to get to the library because of bad weather.
SECTION 9 – RESIGNATION – Written notice to board – 3-week notice.
SECTION 10 - DISMISSAL- Incompetence – director is warned in writing and given 2 weeks to improve. If dismissal is necessary one week’s notice is given.
SECTION 11– JURY DUTY – Leave without pay.
SECTION 12 – WAGES – Starting wages will be determined by the library board according to education and experience. Raises will be recommended by the library board and every effort will be made to match the city’s percent increase.
Adopted November 1999 Amended –1/ 2008 Amended - 1/2010
Reviewed and revised - December 2003, 2006. January 28, 2010, December 2013
Revised January 17, 2011, September 9, 2019